Thick, velvety patches form on the groin, armpits, and back of the neck. Acanthosis nigricans: This skin condition can develop in people with insulin resistance.
There are also links between insulin resistance and the following health issues: The CDC reports that over 85% of people with prediabetes are probably unaware that they have the condition. Insulin resistance does not usually present symptoms until diabetes develops.
Consistently high levels of blood glucose develop, which can lead to prediabetes and type 2 diabetes if an individual is unable to receive treatment and manage blood sugar levels. The pancreas becomes unable to maintain the release of extra insulin to compensate for the cells’ increasing resistance. At first, the pancreas secretes more insulin in order to maintain safe blood sugar levels. Insulin loses its ability to support body cells effectively. The following steps outline the current understanding of how insulin resistance develops: The reasons for insulin resistance remain complex, and researchers continue to investigate. Insulin usually helps the body maintain a good balance of energy, not allowing the level of blood glucose to spike for too long. The liver packages glucose for storage in the form of glycogen. Insulin is also the chemical messenger that instructs the liver to store some glucose, rather than release it into the bloodstream. It induces the cells to absorb glucose, which comes from the food people eat. Insulin regulates the amount of glucose that circulates in the bloodstream.